
On a patched-up family vacation to Key West, a young girl seeks out movie stars and redemption for her fractured family.
Lee Smith brings her masterful storytelling magic to this jewel of a novella that follows Jenny, an adventurous thirteen-year-old, down to Key West for a patched-up family vacation following the discovery of her father’s illicit affair.

My take: 3 looks 

A nice little novella which is semi-autobiographical in nature. Told from the perspective of 13-year-old Jenny, there are some serious themes covered in 136 pages. Jenny rides her bike around town spying on neighbors, sometimes with funny results, and sometimes learning things that will change her life, like discovering her father’s affair with a neighbor. There is adultery, death, alcoholism, movie star spotting, and friendships with strippers.

I know, right?!

That’s a lot of ground for a novella, but the author doesn’t skimp on the story. Her writing is tight, descriptive, and fluid. There is humor, a few uncomfortable moments, and a ton of real life situations. All told from a teen girl in the late 1950s, you get both moments that will make you chuckle and moments that will surprise you with their poignancy. I will add Lee Smith to my list of authors to read more of.
