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All Podcasts

A list of all our podcasts. Enjoy!

Things We Got Wrong: Episode 105

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel are going to talk about things that we got wrong. Let Bubbly Bibbly know what you think of our podcast, how it’s written, produced, and any suggestions or ideas you may have to help Carmen and Rachel make it better. And remember, Albert Einstein said, ““Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

Listener Comments: Episode 104

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel discuss what a few reviewers thought of our podcast. And you know that we love hearing from you. We just hope that you will understand that we can’t make everyone happy. You may not like a section, a comment, the way we mispronounce something, or even an entire episode. But we do hope you will keep listening. The whole point is to have fun sharing something that we love: reading. And adding to that never-ending reading list, of course!

Fan Fiction: Episode 103

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel tackle the subject of fan fiction. Let us know what you think of fanfiction as a literary genre. Comment with titles that you have read, as well as what attracted you to the title. And remember, Joss Whedon said, “There’s a time and place for everything, and I believe it’s called ‘fan fiction’.”

Jury Duty: Episode 102

In this episode, Rachel and Carmen take a look at titles you should read when you are getting ready for jury duty. Let us know what you think Carmen should read while she waits to be chosen for a jury. And maybe some recommendations of what NOT to read. If you haven’t joined our private Facebook group, search on Bubbly Bibbly in the groups section and ask to join. And remember, Robert Frost said, “The jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.”

Best and Worst of 2023: Episode 101

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel take a look at what they think made up the best and the worst of 2023 reading. Let us know your best and worst of 2023. And what your reading plan is for entering 2024! And remember, to be the best, you have to be able to handle the worst.

Books On Our Shelves That We Don’t Intend To Read: Episode 100

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel talk about books on our shelves that we have no intention of reading, and why.  Let us know if you have books on your shelf that you have no intention of reading, and give us the titles and why you bought them. And remember, keep buying those books, whether or not you are going to read them! You are keeping your shelves cozy and full, and supporting the economy!

Stop Everything!: Episode 99

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel talk about titles someone has told us to “Stop Everything and read!”, and how they turned out. Let us know if you’ve ever been faced with a “stop everything” book, and how it turned out for you. And remember, the acronym for “drop everything and read” is DEAR!

Banned Book Spotlight: Maus Episode 97

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel talk about the graphic novel by Art Spiegelman called, “Maus”. We have talked about Maus before, but we have never dedicated an entire episode to one title.  First a little background. Maus is written and illustrated by a cartoonist and was originally serialized between 1980 to 1991. That is eleven years, a long time. The story is Art Spiegelman interviewing his father about his time as a Polish Jew in a concentration camp during WWII. And remember, Art Spiegelman wrote in Maus, “No, darling! To die it’s easy… But you have to struggle for life!”

Best of – Episode 44 – Horror

In this episode, Carmen will be doing most of the talking, and Rachel will be making comments, on various titles from the horror genre.  Let us know which book scared you the most. And remember, “Don’t be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

Movies From Books – Oscar Edition! : Episode 96

In this episode, Carmen and Rachel talk more about books made into movies: Oscar Edition! Let us know if you are doing some pre-Oscar reading of your own. And, if you are, let us know what you are reading and what you think of it. And remember, Seth Grahame-Smith said, “What makes a good book and what makes a good movie are totally different things.”

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